1149 County Road 30A
Ashland, Ohio 44805
Phone# 419-368-7705
After a thorough examination of the Scriptures concerning the issue of the election of believers, we have determined the content of this statement to be true. The thoughts in this statement have been properly preached and taught at Little Flock Fellowship Church for nearly 40 years. We will not deviate from this in our preaching and teaching. The core of these points come from our statement of faith, with additional clarity on point number 5 regarding the election of believers.
While this is a difficult concept to grasp, Scripture has much to say about the doctrine of election. We cannot isolate the Scriptures that indicate God does it all, for God certainly calls all men to repentance. Nor can we isolate the free will of man and ignore the Scriptures regarding God’s choosing of man. They must be taught together, using Scripture to interpret Scripture, when teaching the election of believers.
The Scriptures speak often of the sovereignty of God and we firmly believe this. At the same time, Scriptures indicate that within the plan of God, He gives man the opportunity to love Him or to reject Him. When man rejects Christ, he does not thwart the plan of God, but rather stays within the confines God has laid out – believe and live, reject Him and die eternally. God’s plan is so great that He has designed us to love Him and live or to reject Him and die.
William McDonald writes the following:
This poses a difficulty for the human mind. How can God choose some and yet offer salvation freely to all men? Frankly, this is a mystery. But the mystery is on our side, not on God’s. The best policy for us is to believe both doctrines because the Bible teaches both. The truth is not found somewhere between election and man’s free will, but in both extremes. W.G. Blaikie summarizes:
Divine sovereignty, human responsibility and the free and universal offer of mercy are all found in Scripture and though we are unable to harmonize them by our logic, they all ought to have a place in our minds.
1149 County Road 30A
Ashland, Ohio 44805
Phone# 419-368-7705